Danielle Newson

Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sussex Weald

Get in touch via email using the button below!

General Election 2024 Manifesto

Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to elect a strong local champion who will fight for a fair deal for you and your community.

A fair deal where everyone can afford a decent home somewhere safe and clean – with a comfortable retirement when the time comes.

A fair deal where every child can go to a good school and have real opportunities to fulfil their potential.

A fair deal where everyone can get the high-quality healthcare they need, when they need it and where they need it.

That is the fair deal the Liberal Democrats are fighting for.


Hustings are being held in Crowborough on June 24th 2024 and Hailsham on July 2nd 2024. These events will be your chance to put questions directly to the Candidates standing for election in Sussex Weald on July 4th. Danielle, the Liberal Democrat candidate, will be attending both of the events and we want to see you there! Details of the events are below. Just click the relevant tab below!

Crowborough Hustings

Crowborough Community Association is a charity which works for the benefit of Crowborough. It has arranged hustings for general election candidates for Sussex Weald constituency on Monday 24th June in Crowborough Community Centre. All 9 candidates have been invited.

Doors open at 7pm, event will begin at 7.30, finishing at 9pm.

Questions for the candidates should be sent no later than 8am on 24th June to [email protected]. Questions will be put anonymously and may be grouped by the neutral moderator.

Hailsham Hustings

Date: Tuesday, 2nd July 2024
Time: Please arrive at 7pm for a 7:30pm start
Location: Hellingly Community Hub, Hellingly BN27 4EP

Join for a FREE evening of lively election debate organised by the Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce! This is a fantastic opportunity for the public from the Sussex Weald Constituency to engage with their candidates. Free parking is available on-site.

Don’t miss this chance to hear directly from those vying to represent you!

Please complete our survey - we want to hear your views!

Danielle and the Liberal Democrat team want to understand what matters to the voters in Sussex Weald. We’ve designed a short, confidential, survey for voters to complete. We would appreciate it if as many people as possible could take 2 minutes to give us a better understanding of what matters most to you.

Access the survey by clicking the button or using the menu at the top of the page.

Volunteer with us or get a supporter poster!

Thousands of people up and down the country, from Shetland to Cornwall, are coming together right now and offering their time and skills this General Election to help the Liberal Democrats win.

This incredible network of volunteers are finding ways that individually they can make a difference and play their part in the team fighting for a fair deal for our families, our communities and for our country.

You can also get one of our supporter posters by clicking the button below which will take you to the form!

Are you in the new Sussex Weald Constituency?

The recent constituency boundary changes mean that the old “Wealden” parliamentary constituency no longer exists. The new constituency “Sussex Weald” encompasses the following wards but it is broadly the towns of Crowborough, Hailsham and Heathfield including the villages and countryside surrounding these towns.

Ward list:
Chiddingly, East Hoathly & Waldron; Crowborough Central; Crowborough Jarvis Brook; Crowborough North; Crowborough St. Johns; Crowborough South East; Crowborough South West; Framfield & Cross-in-Hand; Frant & Wadhurst; Hadlow Down & Rotherfield; Hailsham Central; Hailsham East; Hailsham North; Hailsham North West; Hailsham South; Hailsham West; Hartfield; Heathfield North; Heathfield South; Hellingly; Horam & Punnetts Town; Mayfield & Five Ashes; Withyham

Danielle out and about in Sussex Weald

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About Danielle

Danielle is a lawyer working for the NHS and is currently a Borough Councillor for Guildford representing a largely wealthy rural area.  From humble beginnings as the daughter of a Royal Navy father and helping raise her younger siblings, through a close call requiring months of hospitalisation to fighting for everyone’s right to adequate and free at point of use healthcare.  Now a mother and grandmother, Danielle also fights to improve water infrastructure, protect the environment, and improve education for the next generation.


Danielle says: “The Conservatives have neglected schools. Their reckless
cuts and teacher shortages have let children and parents down. Children are our future andwe must ensure they have the best start possible.”